Due to the newly amended taxation system in the fiscal year ended 31 March, 2009, dividends received from foreign subsidiaries are excluded from taxable income. The followings are the notes to be primarily considered on whether this system should be applied to your case.
(1) Fiscal year of a parent company receiving dividend from its foreign subsidiaries should begin on or after 1 April, 2009.
(2) The resolution date on distribution of dividend should begin or after 1 April, 2009.
According to Corporation Tax Law Basic Interpretive Regulation (CTLBIR) 2-1-27, a parent company should record dividend income on the date when foreign subsidiaries make a resolution to distribute dividend. Therefore, in the case the resolution is made on or before 31 April, 2009, you have to be careful because this taxation system can not be applied, even though the parent company receives dividend from its foreign subsidiaries on 1 April, 2009.
As CTLBIR 2-1-28 permits you to record dividend income on its payment date, you have to examine carefully whether or not this taxation system is applicable as well as how to record dividend received.
Revisions of Group Corporation Tax Act are currently being prepared. One of them is related to Special Application by Small and Medium Enterprises (SME). Today’s act allows this Special Application for SME to be applied by corporations whose shareholder’s equity is not greater than 100 million yen, and applicants are benefited from five special treatments such as reduced tax rate. However, after this revision in effect from 1st April 2010, these corporations mentioned above will not be allowed to have an access to the Special Application for SME if they are subsidiaries wholly owned by a parent company whose shareholder’s equity is not less than 500 million yen.
Therefore, you would like to pay attention to whether your fit this case.
An exposure draft of revised auditing standards of Japan was announced by Business Accounting Council of Japanese Financial Services Agency on 5th March, 2010, and it will only be public until 19th March, 2010. The main purpose of this revision is to coordinate Japanese auditing standards with international ones and to improve clarity of audit reports. The revised standards are expected to be effective from the next audits of companies for the year ended 31 March, 2012.
There are three categories in the standards; introduction, summary, audit opinion category, and there has been a change in the “summary” category. This hasbeen clearly divided into another two categories, “manager’s responsibility” and “auditor’s responsibility.” Other changes can be seen in contents of notes.
Changes mentioned above would not affect workload of audited companies nor of auditors, while contents of “retrospective application of accounting standards” announced along with the above changes will do. Therefore, we would like to keep a close eye on this matter.